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Claiming the mantle of Cyril : Cyril of Alexandria and the road to Chalcedon
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ISBN: 9789042942578 9042942576 9789042942585 9042942584 Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven Paris Bristol, CT Peeters

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Everyone knows the series of events that comprised the Nestorian Controversy, but who knows, leaving aside divine agency, how and why events unfolded as they did? In this book an answer is proposed in terms of normal human behavior. There are occasional noble acts, and banal activities, but also, as here, one finds a tangled web of plots, counter-plots, and downright lies that even sainted bishops might employ to defend what they held dear. Texts left by the participants, when closely examined, provide rich evidence of this. For instance there is the show trial of Eutyches; papal ultimata; fake capitulations; intentional late arrival; a universal council that never happened, etc. What drove events forward most of all was the defensive strategy Antiochene controversialists developed and refined. They could, they realized, use select texts of Cyril’s to co-opt Cyril’s authority. They could, that is, claim the mantle of Cyril.

Qērellos IV,3 : Traktate des Severianos von Gabala, Gregorios Thaumaturgos und Kyrillos von Alexandrien.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3515030468 9783515030465 Year: 1980 Volume: 7 Publisher: Wiesbaden Steiner

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Maria Theotokos bei Cyrill von Alexandrien, zur Theotokas-Tradition und ihrer Relevanz : eine dogmengeschichtliche Untersuchung zur Verwendung des Wortes Theotokos bei Cyrill von Alexandrien vor dem Konzil von Ephesus ...
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3873910365 9783873910362 Year: 1981 Volume: 2 Publisher: München Kaffke

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The minor prophets as Christian scripture in the commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria
ISBN: 9780198824534 019882453X 0191864137 0192559443 Year: 2018 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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This work compares the Minor Prophets commentaries of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Cyril of Alexandria, isolating the role each interpreter assigns the Twelve Prophets in their ministry to Old Testament Israel and the texts of the Twelve as Christian scripture. Hauna T. Ondrey argues that Theodore does acknowledge christological prophecies, as distinct from both retrospective accommodation and typology. A careful reading of Cyril's Commentary on the Twelve limits the prospective christological revelation he ascribes to the prophets and reveals the positive role he grants the Mosaic law prior to Christ's advent. Exploring secondly the Christian significance Theodore and Cyril assign to Israel's exile and restoration reveals that Theodore's reading of the Twelve Prophets, while not attempting to be christocentric, is nevertheless self-consciously Christian. Cyril, unsurprisingly, offers a robust Christian reading of the Twelve, yet this too must be expanded by his focus on the church and concern to equip the church through the ethical paideusis provided by the plain sense of the prophetic text. Revised descriptions of each interpreter lead to the claim that a recent tendency to distinguish the Old Testament interpretation of Theodore (negatively) and Cyril (positively) on the basis of their "christocentrism" obscures more than it clarifies and polarizes no less than earlier accounts of Antiochene/Alexandrian exegesis. The conclusion argues against replacing old dichotomies with new and advocates rather for an approach that takes seriously Theodore's positive account of the unity and telos of the divine economy and the full range of Cyril's interpretation.

De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate, Buch 1 : Einführung, kritischer Text, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110724745 311072474X 9783110724776 3110724774 Year: 2021 Volume: 190 Publisher: Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter,

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Cyril of Alexandria’s dialogue “On Adoration and Worship in Spirit and Truth” provides ethical and moral instruction on how to live a Christian life, which he largely develops from his exegesis of selected passages of the Pentateuch. Kyrill von Alexandriens vermutlich erste Schrift, der Dialog "Über Anbetung und Verehrung in Geist und Wahrheit" bietet eine ethisch-moralische Anleitung für ein christliches Leben, die aus der Exegese ausgewählter Passagen aus dem Pentateuch hergeleitet wird. Im ersten Buch wird die Entstehung des Menschen, sein Fall in die Sünde, die Gefangenschaft unter Satan sowie die anschließende Reue und Errettung durch Gott thematisiert. Methodisch erfolgt dies durch allegorisch-typlogogische Auslegung bestimmter Episoden aus den Büchern Genesis und Exodus. Im Hintergrund steht dabei die Kontinuität von Altem und Neuem Testament, wobei das Alte Testament als Pädagoge dient und in der Erfüllung im Neuen Testament einen Weg zu einer moralischen Lebensweise aufzeigen kann.Bis heute wird als Grundlage der im 17. Jahrhundert herausgegebene Text von Jean Aubert verwendet, der auf lediglich zwei Handschriften basiert. In diesem Band wird nach einer ausführlichen Einleitung zu Autor und Werk der griechische Text des ersten Buches zum ersten Mal auf der Basis aller bekannter Textzeugen kritisch erschlossen, übersetzt und mit kommentierenden Anmerkungen versehen.

A collection of unpublished Syriac letters of Cyril of Alexandria : traduction
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2801700053 9782801700051 Year: 1975 Volume: 157-158 359-360 Publisher: Winksele Imprimerie Orientaliste

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The appropriation of divine life in Cyril of Alexandria
ISBN: 0199267138 0191602094 1281930679 9786611930677 0191532991 9780199267132 Year: 2004 Volume: *10 Publisher: Oxford ; New York Oxford University Press

The theology of St. Cyril of Alexandria : a critical appreciation
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0567089002 9786613201041 0567603644 0567088820 1283201046 9780567089007 Year: 2003 Publisher: London Clark

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There is no book in English that treats the whole of Cyril's theological thought. In the past scholars have normally focused on Cyril's Christology and left largely unexamined the remainder of his theological thought. Thus the English-speaking scholarly community has never fully appreciated the breadth, the depth and the immense significance of Cyril's theology. This book is therefore unique. The editors have brought together many of the foremost experts on Cyril. This international team examines all the major facets of his theology, and here for the first time reveals the theology of Cyril of

Die Theologie des Kreuzes beim frühen Cyrill von Alexandria : dargestellt an seiner Schrift "De adoratione et cultu in spiritu et veritate".
ISBN: 3161486595 9783161486593 Year: 2005 Volume: 29 Publisher: Tübingen Mohr

Cyril of Jerusalem, Mystagogue : the authorship of the Mystagogic catecheses.
ISBN: 0813210798 9780813210797 Year: 2001 Volume: 17 Publisher: Washington Catholic university of America press

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